Vision Statement
Through our English curriculum we aim to ensure that all children develop a life- long passion for reading. All children should be able to communicate their thoughts and ideas confidently and listen to others with respect. They should have the fundamental skills necessary to enable them to be active participants in an ever- changing society.
Our Approach to Teaching English
Here at Rushall we are very proud of our creative and innovative approach to English. We firmly believe in creating firm foundations by developing excellent communication skills from the earliest point. We believe that speaking, listening and communication skills, along with enjoyment of stories and books are paramount to success. Along with fostering a love of books we believe children should be given meaningful first hand experiences through which to inspire their writing.
English Lead : Mrs Danielle Cook
Speaking, Listening and Communication
Our use of Makaton signing and dual coding aids communication for all children.
We use interventions such as Well Comm and Attention Autism to develop communication.
Sentence Stems are used across school to develop articulation and vocabulary.
'Good talking' and 'Good listening' positive prompts are used and 'Partner Talk' is embedded across school.
Role Play and recordable technology are used to encourage speech.
Our children orally re-tell traditional tales and learn and recite poetry.
RWI (Read, Write, Inc) phonics is taught from nursery using puppets and songs.
Home Reading - In early years children will bring home books that are closely matched to their phonic ability and linked to the RWI scheme. Following this they will move on to 'Accelerated Reader' where children take part in fun quizzes after completing a book to support their comprehension.
We use high quality texts linked to our topics.
For lots more information about reading and how you can help your child learn to love reading please refer to our 'Reading' page.
We use high quality texts to underpin and inspire our writing.
Writing is modelled and crafted collaboratively to enable children to learn the process of creating a quality piece of writing.
Correct use of grammar, spelling and punctuation is reinforced throughout the writing process.
Sentence stems are used across school to support and develop sentence construction.
Our learning environments immerse children in vocabulary (words, phrases and sentences).
Children are taught the skills they need to edit and improve their writing.
‘Dough Disco’, ‘Squiggle while you Wiggle’ and ‘Finger Gym’ help to strengthen fingers and aid co-ordination.
We teach letter formation using handwriting phrases and pictures linked to RWI.
We use a multi -sensory approach to learn letter and number formation.
Children are taught correct letter formation and good handwriting behaviours from nursery (correct seating position with feet on the floor, chair tucked in, paper or book tilted appropriately, pencil gripped appropriately, spare hand holds the work steady).
Children are taught to join their writing as soon as they are ready.
RWI Spelling is taught in years 2-6 to build on the phonics taught in early years and year one.
Spelling books are used to practise the spelling focus of the week.
Children use personal dictionaries in key stage two and personal word mats in key stage one.
Children play spelling games and learn spelling rules.
Children are taught to use dictionaries and thesauruses confidently.
We aim for all of our children to read for pleasure therefore reading is the most important homework of all!
Read stories to children
Help children to read sounds/ words/ books
Listen to your child read
Continue to read increasingly challenging texts to them, this will ensure that your child has a large store of vocabulary and ‘story’ language in their heads to draw from when they are writing!
Enrichment homework – our projects encourage family collaboration and participation. They are creative, open ended and often linked to our topics. They foster independent research and presentation skills.
Teachers also set English focused tasks to complete at home.