Religious Education


Religious Education helps children to learn about their own religion and other people’s religion as well as skills from religions such as those of consideration, tolerance, empathy and respect.

Religious Education contributes to pupils’ spiritual, moral, cultural, intellectual, social and physical development by helping them:

Religious education enables children to investigate and reflect on some of the most fundamental questions asked by people. At Rushall our curriculum follows the Walsall RE Locally Agreed Syllabus (2022), designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the major world faiths, and we address the fundamental questions in life. We enable children to develop a sound knowledge not only of Christianity but also of other world religions, especially those that are the main faiths of children within our school. Children reflect on what it means to have a faith and to develop their own spiritual knowledge and understanding. We help the children learn from religions as well as about religions.

Our curriculum is seen in its widest sense as the entire planned learning experience. This includes formal lessons as well as events, routines, and learning that take place outside the classroom.  

Religious Education lead: Miss Fallon Hayes


We plan our Religious Education curriculum in accordance with the Walsall Locally Agreed Syllabus.

Each topic builds on prior knowledge and offers opportunities for children of all abilities to develop their skills as well as offering challenge as they move through the school.

Our medium-term plans give clear guidance on the objectives and teaching strategies that we use when teaching each topic.

Our short-term plans are those that our teachers write on a weekly or daily basis. We use these to set out the learning objectives for each session, and to identify what resources and activities we are going to use in the lesson.