We will encourage and inspire the children at Rushall to develop a curiosity and fascination about the world, different cultures and how the environment can be affected by people. Children will be inspired through practical enquiries and investigations, engaging in problem solving activities across the curriculum. All children will have the opportunity to learn and enjoy Geography, and will develop their knowledge, skills and understanding, while motivating them to learn through stimulating topics.
Our key intent is preparing children for life beyond Rushall, both the school and the locality by putting the skills of problem solving, working collaboratively, developing resilience and critical thinking in terms of evaluation at the heart of the Geography curriculum. Children will learn about Geography in relation to their local area and develop a sense of pride and belonging relating to where they live. We will also support children to be aspirational about the outside world and travel, showing them opportunities that they may not otherwise seek.
Our aims for Geography are:
To develop contextual knowledge of the location of significant places, including physical and human characteristics and how these provide a geographical context.
To understand the processes that give rise to key physical and human geographical features.
To be competent in the geographical skills needed to collect, analyse and communicate with a range of data gathered through experiences of fieldwork.
To interpret a range of sources of geographical information, including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs and Geographical Information Systems (GIS).
Geography lead: Mr Josh Kirby
Our curriculum enables teachers to use a variety of teaching methods and learning styles within lessons. The curriculum is planned and taught taking into consideration the needs of all pupils based on their relative starting points. Geography teaching will be exciting and engaging with opportunities for children to participate in a range of real-life experiences such as local fieldwork and exploring a contrasting location to broaden their geographical knowledge and understanding. Children are provided with enquiry-based research learning opportunities and we encourage children to ask as well as answer geographical questions. We offer them the opportunity to use a variety of data, such as maps, statistics, graphs, pictures, and aerial photographs, and we enable them to use the Media Zone and iPads to enhance their learning. Children take part in role-play and discussions, and they present reports to the rest of the class. They engage in a wide variety of problem-solving learning. Wherever possible, we involve the children in ‘real’ geographical opportunities, e.g. research of a local environmental problem or use of the Internet to investigate a current issue.