
Here at Rushall Primary School we understand how important it is for children to eat a healthy and balanced meal during the day. Evidence shows that eating healthy foods has a positive impact on a child's ability to learn, concentrate and improves their overall behaviour.  

Lunch Time

Children are welcome to either have a school lunch or bring a packed lunch from home.

If you would like to order a school meal please order on the 'School money' app.   Please note that all meals must be ordered this way regardless of whether payment is required. If you have any difficulties with ordering or payment or are new to us please contact the school office who will be able to advise you. 

School Lunches are free of charge to children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Unfortunately meals for nursery children and children in year 3, 4, 5 and 6 are not part of the universal offer and must be paid for unless you are entitled to free school meals. 

If you are in receipt of benefits you may be entitled to free school meals, please contact the office if you would like an eligibility form.

Our lunches are provided by Walsall Catering Service and are cooked on the premises by our school cooks. A school dinner from the exciting Lunch menu costs just £2.15 per day and includes a hot meal with a choice of salad and vegetable side dishes or a prepared packed lunch including sandwiches, fruit and yoghurt.

If you would like to order a packed lunch -  please let the kitchen know which sandwich filling you require.  Menus are on display in the dining room and are available on the links below.

Drinking water is available to all children at lunchtime, and during the school day in class. At lunch time children may bring a drink in if they prefer, please send drinks in a suitable non-breakable bottle.  No fizzy drinks please.  Milk is free of charge to children under 5 and 25p from age 5 onwards.

For those children who choose to bring a packed lunch we encourage parents to include healthy sandwiches, snacks and drinks, (not fizzy) and support the school in maintaining it's 'Healthy School' status.

Snacks for Early Years and Key Stage One Children

Early Years and Key Stage One children receive a piece of fresh fruit each morning and a drink of water. 

Snacks for Key Stage Two Children

Key Stage Two children are encouraged to bring a healthy snack for break time if they wish.

Children are asked to bring their own drink bottles to school and they are able to re-fill these throughout the day.

Lunch Menu

Winter Menu for web.pdf