School Uniform at Rushall Primary School
Our school uniform policy, detailed below ensures a sense of belonging and pride at being a part of our school. We encourage our children to arrive looking smart in their uniforms and being ready to learn. Being smart and taking a pride in their appearance will help to prepare children for their lives beyond Rushall both at secondary school and in the world of work. It is very important that families feel no pressure for children to follow fashion or purchase expensive items and school uniform is a protective factor in ensuring this.
Please note that no logos are required on any items of uniform and they may be purchased from any shop. If you need any help in accessing school uniform please come and speak with us and we will be happy to help. Please also see the information at the foot of this document.
· Green sweatshirt or cardigan with or without the school logo
· Plain white polo shirt
· Grey skirt / pinafore dress or trousers
· Grey, green or black tights
· White or black socks
· Green and white gingham dress (optional summer alternative)
· Black school shoes (Sensible school shoes with no heel. Boots are not permitted unless there are adverse weather conditions such as snow / ice. Trainers are not permitted.)
• Green sweatshirt / jumper with or without the school logo
• Plain white polo shirt
• Grey trousers
• Grey tailored shorts summer alternative (optional)
• Black shoes (Sensible school shoes. Boots are not permitted unless there are adverse weather conditions such as snow / ice. Trainers are not permitted.)
Sweatshirts, fleeces and waterproof coats embroidered with the school logo can be purchased from Clive Mark or Crested Schoolwear in Walsall. Reading folders and PE bags with our school logo on are also available.
• White round neck t-shirt
• Green or black shorts
• Black pumps/black trainers
• Swimming costume or swimming trunks (not long swim shorts)
• Swimming cap
• Tracksuits can be worn during colder weather
Please note that no jewellery is permitted to be worn in school including necklaces, bracelets and rings for health and safety reasons. The exceptions to this are that plain stud ear rings and inexpensive wristwatches are allowed in some circumstances (please see details below).
Ear rings
Children are allowed to wear a small stud earring, either gold or silver. Fashion earrings are not permitted including hoops, dangly ear rings, diamante or any design that isn’t a plain stud.
It is also the responsibility of parents to ensure that their child is able to independently remove and replace earrings for PE sessions. If your child is unable to do this, please ensure earrings are removed before they come to school on PE days.
We strongly advise parents to arrange for their children to have their ears pierced during the summer holidays to avoid any PE sessions being missed. PE is a compulsory subject and it is not acceptable for children to miss these sessions for cosmetic reasons.
Wrist watches
Children can wear a small wristwatch, however school cannot be accountable for any losses. Smart watches should not be worn in school due to their valuable nature and the facilities that they provide. (Please refer to our mobile device policy for more information.) Watches must be removed before participating in PE.
While we allow some individuality in relation to styles, extreme fashion hairstyles are strongly discouraged; it is important to remember that all children have a varied and active life at school and need to be dressed appropriately at all times. Long hair must be tied back in PE sessions and must not cause a distraction in lessons.
Appropriate Clothing
As you know at Rushall we embrace outdoor learning. Children will go outside in all weather conditions, even in the snow and rain!! Therefore, it is essential that children have suitable outdoor wear, e.g. a warm waterproof coat, gloves, a hat and suitable footwear. Even if your child comes to school by car they will still need these vital items to be able to fully participate in all planned activities. We advise families to check weather forecasts for the day either in the morning or the night before, as it can sometimes be dry in the morning when you leave for school but may be raining by lunchtime.
Please name all items of clothing including shoes!
For anyone wishing to access free uniform or donate good quality pre-loved uniform, please come and speak with us and see details below.